Let’s meet Godfred
By Barbara Allison
I have to believe that many of you are still asking yourself, “who IS GodFred?” “Why the unique spelling?” “Does the foundation have a religious affiliation?” Here is your answer!
Godfred is a 10- year old boy who lives in Senase. Five years ago, our co founder Fredrick Benneh made a visit to Akatim School, which is the school he attended as a young boy and one of the poorest in the area. Fred was there with a group of students from Semester at Sea bringing school supplies and smiles to the children.
It was during a game with the students that Fred became aware of this very bright young boy named Godfred. Godfred knew the answers to ALL of the questions, and by the end of the game he had won every prize they had brought with them.
Unfortunately, children who attend Akatim School have very little chance of ever moving on with their education and finding their way out of a life of poverty. Seeing such great promise in Godfred, Fred knew he had to find a way to get him to a better school where he would have a chance at reaching his full potential.
Soon after this meeting, Fred approached his mom about bringing Godfred to live with her where he would be close enough to get to the next city and a school that would provide him with the kind of education that he would never be able to get at Akatim.
With Godfred’s young mother giving her consent to the arrangement, Godfred moved to Senase to Fred’s home and was enrolled in Freeman Methodist School, which is one of the finest in the area.
Of course, a better school also meant higher school fees, but since Fred was determined to give Godfred a chance for a better life through education, he found a way to pay for his school fees through the small amount he earned running tours to his village.
Therefore, the answer to the question “who is Godfred?” is just this. Godfred is our inspiration. He is a young boy who is now excelling in school because someone gave him an opportunity. It’s about paying it forward, one child at a time. We look forward to all of the “GodFreds” to come with the opening of our new school!
Godfred is 10 now.
Godfred with his biological mother and grandmother